Wednesday, June 21, 2017

"One Dominion" Book Review

I love being Canadian. It's a great country and I'm well aware that half the world would give just about anything to trade places with me - to be able to own my citizenship and health card.  We can boast vast forests and clean water, Plus, this is where my family is.

Happy 150th Birthday Canada!

When asked to review "One Dominion", I happily replied yes.  (Maybe it's the former homeschool teacher in me but I also wanted my kids to read it.)  When it arrived, I was surprised. What a boring cover.  (pictured above)  
"Oh," I disappointingly thought. "It looks so cheap. This book isn't going to be good at all." Yes, I am guilty of judging every book by its cover.  Plus it isn't hardcover. A memorial/historical book of this dimension ought to be hardcover.  When my son came home, he said, "Wow, this is an expensive looking book to get in the mail."  When I informed him that I was doing a review on it, he said, 
"Ooooh. I thought it came free in the mail like from a business or something. Then it looks really cheap."  Ha!  I was right.  If it had been a hardcover, I can see it sitting on the table in a dental waiting room.  Sorry, but I really hate the cover.

I was even more perplexed once I cracked it open.  "One Dominion" is filled with beautiful photographs!  What???  (Ironically, my husband just now as I'm typing said, "Would you recommend that book?  I thought it came free in the mail.")  Oh dear.  

Each page is more beautiful than the one before and I enjoyed reading about the Christian influence that helped shaped this great nation. "One Dominion" starts at the beginning of Canadian history and goes through the ages highlighting the accomplishments of men and women who had one goal in mind - to glorify God through the betterment of the world around them.  

Even though I taught my kids some Canadian history, I still learned a number of interesting facts from "One Dominion" such as why we are a dominion instead of a republic or kingdom.  I'm not going to give it away but it's in chapter 3.

Do yourself a favor, don't be put off by the cover of this charming book. The inside doesn't match.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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