Friday, September 15, 2017

"Fault Lines" Book Review

If you are going to start "Fault Lines" by Thomas Locke, be prepared to read the series otherwise this book will leave you hanging. The plot is good enough that you'll want to pick up book number 2. (I just wanted you to be fair warned)

It took me about a third of the way through the book to figure out what in the world was going on. Well, at least I think I figured out what was going on. I still have a lot of questions. Perhaps book 2 will do a hefty job of clarifying it all for me. As I read "Fault Lines" my brain alternated. Confused, entertained, confused, entertained. But maybe that's because when science and fantasy marry, my brain doesn't get an invitation to the wedding.

I enjoyed Mr. Locke's writing. It flowed. Plus, the fighting/actions scenes were described well enough for me to make a visual picture. Maybe others don't struggle with this but I can easily picture novels in my mind's eye. Right up until there's a battle and then whoosh. Gone. Not this time. I could see the action unfolding like a movie behind my eyes. For that I give the author a well deserved round of applause.

"Fault Lines" does have violent scenes but nothing gory. There's no descriptions of blood squirting out of severed limbs. (ew, I just grossed myself out) All the glory without the guts. Ha! Literally.

Don't chose this book if you're looking for light reading. I had to pay attention and reread a few paragraphs to catch what was going on. But I still recommend it.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."