Sunday, July 31, 2016

How to Organize Your Homeschool Year

Deep breath. You can do this!!!  Kids will naturally learn but this scheduling program will help you keep your head in the game.  And yes, it's more work in the short term but it pays off in dividends - I promise!!!  Make sure you watch the videos in order as they refer back to previous ones.

Click this link to print the Intended Course of Study page.

Leave more blank days than you think you need on your calendar. They can be catch up days, field trip days, sick days etc.

Click here for a printable Weekly Plan - Blank

Click here for the printable Daily Plan - Blank
Click here for the printable Daily Plan - Example

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Mascara and Matte Lipstick Review

I got these products free from Bzzagent but I'm completely honest (as always) about what I think about them).

 #KatyKatMatte, #KatyKatEye #GotItFree

Monday, July 11, 2016

"Miracles from Heaven" Movie Review

Wow!!!!  So impressed!

Even though I love Jesus and my favorite hobby is talking about Him, in the past, faith based movies have kind of made me cringe because they're, well, low budget. The acting is poor, the dialogue is stiff and the special effects amateurish. When a fellow believer tells me I have to watch the latest faith based movie because it's "so good'', I ask, "Is it good because of the message or the quality of the movie?" And more often then not, it's the message they love. Fair enough.

But every once in a while one comes along that blows you away. This was the case with "Miracles from Heaven".  15 minutes in I was crying and continued on and off for the next hour and a half. Jennifer Garner's moving performance was flawless. In fact, all of the acting was bang on. I loved how the mother's struggles were presented - very relatable. I also loved Queen Latifah's role. Everyone needs a friend like that.

I loved the montage of the true Beam family (who the movie is actually about) at the end of the film. It does the heart good to see them all smiling and thriving.  I also loved when the mother finally admits that she can't pray and that she's lost her faith. I've been there and it was only the hand of God that got me back. But what happens when God says no and there is no visible miracle? It would be nice to someday see a movie that deals with that. I suppose in some way even this movie does when a man stands up to encourage Mrs. Beam in the final scene. (I'll say no more for fear of giving something away.)

I just read a few reviews "Miracles from Heaven" received and was shocked by how poorly received this movie was. It was superb and my husband, who hates dramas, agreed. Could it be as simple as a backlash due to the name of Jesus being spoken? I'm guessing so because I judge movies harshly and this one still wins in my books.

Do yourself a favor and watch this movie.

Just make sure you have plenty of kleenex nearby.

"Movie has been provided courtesy of Sony Entertainment Canada and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

"A Haven On Orchard Lane" Book Review

As I was reading "A Haven on Orchard Lane" someone asked me what it was about. I laughed and said, "I have no idea but I'm thoroughly enjoying it." Here's how I can best describe it:

If you were to take a reality show, strip away the crude drama, the crass personalities, set it in nineteenth century England, you'd have this book. Much of it seemed like you were simply following a group of people as they went about life. And yet, it's lovely and I kept wanting to read more.

It's also not a romance through it is definitely a love story. The relationships you watch bloom and the way the people interact makes you wish you were a part of their small town. Of course, what small town wouldn't be complete without it's own busybody gossip? But even she simply makes for entertaining reading.

I want to live on Orchard Lane for there even the turmoils of life turn into lessons that spring forth blessings. This book is aptly name for not only do the characters find a haven, but you as the reader will too.

I've never read a book quite like this one before but I hope author Lawana Blackwell writes more.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

"No Other Will Do" Book Review

I've been sitting here at my desk for a few minutes not knowing what to type. Did I enjoy "No Other Will Do"? Yes. Did it leave a great impression on me? Apparently not. I enjoyed reading it well enough but I only finished it because I hurt my neck meaning I couldn't do much else.

Karen Witemeyer tells of a group of women who for one reason or another feel the need to live in a women only colony where men are not allowed. Even in real life, I'm sure there are many women who would love to be able to find safety in a place like that. However, I suppose I didn't love this book in part because I hate male bashing. And while the women in this story as in real life, often need rescuing from the hands of men, I didn't enjoy the continual "Who needs a man?" thread that continues throughout the pages.

Of course, this is a romance so there has to be a fella to save the day. And there has to be a villain. And where there's a villain, there's usually violence. Given "No Other Will Do" is most definitely to be placed in the romance genre, I was surprised by the amount of violence in it.
However, I can happily say that I didn't guess who the villain was until it was exposed - always a bonus.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

"From This Moment" Book Review

Whenever one of Elizabeth Camden's books arrives in the mail, my teen daughter squeals with delight and begs me to let her read it first. The problem with saying yes to that request is that then I have to fend off her repeated attempts to tell me the plot twists.  I understand. She gets so wrapped up in the story that it starts to feel like real life and it's human nature to want to share our life with others.

I also understand why Camden is one of her favorite authors. She tells wonderful romantic tales that are surrounded in mystery. She doesn't bog down the story line with endless misunderstandings between the would-be lovers or long winded setting descriptions. "From This Moment" was no different and was a pleasure to read from start to finish.

"From This Moment" tells of a woman who moves to Boston to investigate the death of her sister which has been ruled an accident. There she meets the co-owner of a scientific magazine who is struggling to overcome his own battles. Together they  tackles a myriad of hurdles and accidentally develop feelings for one another along the way.

One of the aspects I enjoyed most about "From this Moment" was the way Camden wove the strengths and weaknesses into each character. They all have their moments or failure but also success - just like in real life. I also liked the pace of the plot. It clipped along at a quick speed and was easy to follow.

The only part of this book that left me going, "Meh" were the final 3 or 4 pages. It all wrapped up too suddenly and neatly. I'll give you an example of what I mean however this example is in no way based on the actual story.   Say a book is 300 pages long and it takes 295 pages for the two to fall in love. However, he's badly injured and she can't find her dog or the precious heirloom that means the world to her. Oh and the bad guy needs to be tried. Then in the remaining 5 pages, they get married, he heals up, she finds the dog which happens to have the heirloom in its mouth and the bad guy goes to prison forever. The end.

When this happens, it almost feels like the author got tired and just wanted to get the book done already. Maybe the publisher was breathing down her throat or something. I don't know but the last 5 pages felt forced. An epilogue would have been a better format for wrapping up the loose ends. Having said that, I still thoroughly enjoyed this book and would delightfully recommend it to anyone who loves clean romance novels with a touch of mystery.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."