Sunday, March 17, 2019

JUNOfest Christian Music Showcase: A Night of Music and Meaning

Imagine my surprise when the day before the JUNOfest Christian Music Showcase, a show that sold out in under 20 minutes, I get an email from Graf Martin (the company involved with asking me if I'd like to go for FREE!!  What???  Um, yes please. 

That was surprise number one. Surprise number two was unknowingly lining up right behind someone I went to karate with for years. We haven't seen each other in over 10 years. Yep, that's my husband closest to the camera, then me and then my karate pal, her hubby, another woman from kickboxing and then here hubby. It was general seating but we managed to score second row seats. Sweet!  

The event was put on my Compassion and they were trying to raise funds for a music camp and festival for children in Tanzania.  There were three different groups/performers.

Up first was "We are Worshippers". Wow! Talented. They are a group of local talent that came together to lift up the name of Jesus. The gentleman in the middle of the photo is the music pastor at Gateway Church in London, ON. Incredibly talented. I wish I knew the name of the woman on the left in the photo. I would buy tickets to see her all on her own. Everyone was super talented but she was without equal.

Up next was award winner, Drew Brown.  Amazing. He was a fill in. Can't remember the name of who was supposed to perform but his flight was cancelled because of this whole airplanes being grounded fiasco.

The headliner of the night was Brian Doerksen. (hopefully I spelled that correctly)

My one complaint about the night was how short his performance was. It was at the most 20 minutes. What a treasure this man is. I was amazed how many of his songs we sing in church.  Well, only kind of amazed until I saw one of my church elders, who leads music, in the audience and then learned what a huge fan he is. lol

When music is on, I can not sit still. I feel it in my bones from head to toe.  If music is on, just assume I'm not listening to you. Not because I don't want to but because I simply can't.  My husband isn't built like me. He likes music but he isn't moved by it and doesn't dance or sway. Period.  Imagine my surprise when he came out of the concert just beaming and proclaiming how much he loved it.  Definitely a sign of a great concert, great talent and a great time.

Well done to everyone involved.

#compassion  #briandoerksen #drewbrown #weareworshippers #JUNOfest