Thursday, March 10, 2016

"A Fool and His Monet" Book Review

There are times in life when you look out the window at the grey drizzly sky and think, "Nuts". There are other times in life when you look out the window at the grey drizzly sky and think, "Yes!" Once I started into "A Fool and His Monet" by Sandra Orchard, my perception on the value of our miserable weather changed dramatically. What an enjoyable book.

In the past year, I've read about 10-12 mystery novels and for the most part enjoyed them. However, they often just sort of, well, end. There's no real trail of clues that you can follow. Instead you're handed dead end after dead end and then all of the sudden, It's Professor Plum in the kitchen with the candlestick. The end.
Oh, wait, what?

However, in "A Fool and His Monet", the author artistically led you through the process of narrowing down the list of suspects. And then instead of just ending with, "It was so and so", she started unravelling the why and hows. Thank you Ms. Orchard for that!

"A Fool and His Monet" is the tale of an FBI Art Crime Team officer tracking down two stolen pieces from a museum heist and I thoroughly enjoyed a couple of the characters too. Every time the character named Aunt Martha came onto the scene, my mind started to smile because I knew it was about to get good. I also enjoyed the self-deprecating inner dialogue the main character has with herself - quite humorous.

There is a bit of violence but nothing graphic and certainly nothing to shy me away from allowing my young teen daughter from reading this novel next.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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