Monday, September 21, 2015

"Taming the To-Do List" Book Review

Truthfully, I'm not sure why I chose this book. It's definitely NOT an area of concern for me. I've had more than one person call and ask me to help them organize their life. God gives us each different areas of strength and mine happens to be organizing life in a rational and productive manner.

I'm not saying that to brag. I'm saying it so you'll know why this book didn't bowl me over.

"Taming the To-Do List" by Glynnis Whitwer is a good book. It looks at the 'why' behind our procrastination and instead of merely doling out another to-do list of How to Get Your Act Together, she looks at healing what causes it in the first place.

A number of points in the book definitely made me stop and think. And after thinking, make me mentally agree. Such as:

*When we say yes to something, it's costing us. For example: Saying yes to watching that TV show is costing us production time.
*We need to stop seeing ease as a good thing.
*Self regulation is a learned habit.
*People who have to work long hours in the ER or 3 min. wage jobs are tired but they rarely call themselves busy. Busyness is bred in the accumulation of voluntary activity.

I know of many women who would benefit greatly from this book. That might sound like I think poorly of them and I don't AT ALL. They might struggle with this but I know that they excel in others areas in which I flounder.

At the end of the day, "Taming the To-Do List" is neither whimsical nor textbook and  reads like a friend is talking to you. Therefore, if you are looking to overcome this area of life, I'd recommend it.

BTW, I got this book free in exchange for my honest opinion.

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