Thursday, April 9, 2015

"Wrecked" Book Review

I was so excited to get this book. Recently God called me out of my comfortable suburban lifestyle and into the realm of downtown street ministry so I thought "Wrecked" by Jeff Goins would be the perfect book to encourage my new passion.


I hate writing negative book reviews because I know that when someone writes a book, an entire BOOK!, they've put their heart out there for all the world to see and potential crush but...

I couldn't even bare to finish 2/3 of it.

It makes sense when you think about it. Like Jeff Goins says, you can't read about having your life changed by breaking out of the usual. You have to do it in order to experience it. It's funny that he would write that Anyone else seeing the problem here? He then continues on to talk about his heart being changed through his interactions with homeless people. (a sentiment I can completely relate to) and then about the need for committing. (again, I agree)

Perhaps the problem is that I grew up too fast. I had my eye on being an adult asap. Got married barely out of high school and immediately had kids and a mortgage - because that was the responsible thing to do. So when someone says, commitment is a lost art, sounds like the same old, "They don't make 'em like they used to." story. But I didn't need to go across the world to be "wrecked". Nor did I need to go wondering around, following my restless heart. Quite frankly, nor do you. You want to know what to do with the stirrings of your heart?


He put that in you for a reason. And while, yes, He might be calling you to go to Zambia, or Siberia or, or, or... maybe He just wants you to quit thinking about yourself so much and start thinking about how amazing He is and how much love He wants to show the people around you through you. It was God who filled me with the desire to serve the outcasts and it was in a nice safe living room where that desire manifested.

Definitely, Mr. Goins has some extremely valid points, like previously stated. But it would have been nice to hear Him quote Jesus a bit because at the end of the day, if you're looking to serve God, maybe you should ask Him what He has in mind.

In conclusion, instead of spending 4-5 hours reading this book, spend some time in prayer and then follow where the Holy Spirit leads.


That's what's missing from "Wrecked". There wasn't really any, that I can recall, talk of the Holy Spirit - you know, the One who is given to us to guide us. Oh, yeah, that one. The same one that comforts us and teaches us. Why write a book about trying to find your place in the world without talking about the One who will bring you there?

A better question is: why read it either?

I was given a free copy of this book by Moody Publishers in exchange for an honest review. The opinions are mine.

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