Wednesday, April 1, 2015

"More Than Just the 'Talk'" book review

If you have kids or are thinking of having kids or ever interact with kids, read this book - especially if said kids are between the ages of 7 and 19.

"More Than Just the Talk" by Jonathan McKee is a frank book about talking to your kids about sex. Not going to lie, it really got into the nitty gritty. It talked about how to deal with masturbation, pornography addiction, and so much more. It was a real eye opener to realize how much kids know years before you think they might and how dreadful the latest TV shows and videos are in terms of damaging lies being fed to the next generation about sexual purity.

One thing I loved about this book was that instead of just trying to scare you with nightmarish statistics that might tempt you to move to the jungle, the author gives great suggestions on how to deal with every obstacle along the way. These are GREAT suggestions! Very practical and, in my humble opinion, very wise to boot.

Unfortunately, before reading this book, I would have fallen into the it'll-all-work-out-because-my-kids-don't-know-that-kind-of-stuff-yet type of parent. I couldn't have been more wrong. The beauty of reading this book while sitting in the living room was that it gave me the perfect excuse to ask my kids all kinds of questions and their answers blew my ignorance right out of the water. But, I'm so thankful that "More Than Just the Talk" came into our life when it did because since then, I've noticed that, at least some of, my kids really want to talk about a number of sex centered topics and when they saw that I wasn't afraid of this topic, it was like a flood gate opened and suddenly anything was fair game - which is great.

It also made me more proactive in helping my kids keep their minds pure. No internet while you're by yourself. No being alone with someone of the opposite gender. Nothing that leads to lust. I love how it's stated in the book. "Don't start the launch sequence." In other words, don't do anything that gets the sexual engine running outside of marriage. Very wise.

This isn't just another parenting book. This one is a must. I 100% believe I'm a better parent moving forward because I read this book. You should too!

BTW, I got a free copy of this book from Bethany House Publishing in exchange for my honest review.

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