Monday, April 27, 2015

"Freedom Tools" Book Review

God is so good! He's shown me love and mercy so many times and yet I still find myself amazed. I wonder if I'll ever get to the point where I just take it as normal. (!)

The day "Freedom Tools, Revised and Expanded Edition For Overcoming Life’s Tough Problems" by Andy Reese and Jennifer Barnett, arrived in the mail, was the very same day I was going out of town to meet with a few others and have a prayer/healing meeting for someone dear to me. The same day! I've read about inner healing ministry before so I was familiar with what they're about and what can be accomplished through them but come on, the same day? Too awesome. So, as I waited outside of McDonald's while my son was being interviewed, I started reading.

Okay, admittedly, since I only had a few hours before the meeting, I was reading the headlines and trying to cram in what I could in a very short amount of time. All golden. Then following that meeting, because, you know, there are a few paragraphs in between said headlines, I went back and read the entire book. And here is my thought:

You know how when you surf Pinterest you feel empowered and insecure all at once? Same feeling. YES - God can mightily use me to help bring healing. NO - this is a massive topic and I'm just, well, I'm me. Not so grand. But of course the missing ingredient is God. Without the Holy Spirit guiding, Jesus wooing and the Father smiling, why bother? But, WITH this Divine trinity, anything can happen.

Taking a risk for the Kingdom is always nerve wrecking but what a high comes from it. "Freedom Tools" is a very practical book that gives you the guidelines as to how to be a "first responder" to those who suffer from spiritual, emotional and mental pain. It gave a lot of sound advice and it's a book that I'll definitely keep for reference.

If you are open to being led by the Holy Spirit and believe that God talks to His children, and if you want to help others be free from whatever it is that holds them back, you should read this book.

BTW, I got a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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