Wednesday, September 14, 2016

"The Artisan's Wife" Book Review

I haven't been feeling well lately and whatever it is that's throwing my body into disarray has tremendously affected my ability to focus. This bit of info is only being shared so that you take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt. While I enjoyed "The Artisan's Wife", it was easy to set it down. No plot twists or conundrums marked its pages nor were there any dire situations for the main characters to overcome.

Now, having said that, I'm glad I read this romance novel. It was light and pithy and just what the doctor ordered. At first I couldn't seem to get into the story but as the chapters passed, I grew to enjoy the lives of Ainslee McKay and Levi Judson and cheered for their successes as they, together, fought to better the lives of the patients of the local mental hospital as well as run a tile factory. And sometimes it's nice to read a story that doesn't worry you in the least. Real life has enough worries of its own.

Author Judith Miller did a great job of setting a good pace for the story. Plus the way she intermingled faith based subjects without it seeming preachy was well done.  I also appreciated the way she dealt with the love between the main man and woman. Love was shown for what it truly is and the pie-in-the-sky Hollywood version was left out. For this I thank you. Young gals need more stories of couples coming together because of love and not because they felt their soul burning within them. lol

While "The Artisan's Wife" might not tempt you to burn the midnight oil it was an enjoyable read and I recommend it for anyone looking for a light read.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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