Wednesday, October 8, 2014

"Setting your Marriage Free"

I'd like to introduce you to possibly the most important marriage book ever written. (Not including the Bible obviously)

Perhaps I should start with a little background on myself. I have been married for almost 18 years. I was married at the age of 18 so, yep, in a little over a month, I will have been married for half my life. And I am happily married. I know I'm in a minority with that statement but it is 100% true so when I say a marriage book is worth reading (even when everything is great) I mean it.

What I'm so glad to read in "Setting your Marriage Free", by Neil T. Anderson and Charles Mylander, is the need to start at the source instead of the symptoms. There can't possibly be harmony between two people if there isn't harmony between them and their Savior first. They also talk about money, safe-guarding against adultery, and at length about what happens when only one person in the relationship is willing to work at making it better.

I like how each chapter is laid out. First the theory and then the practical. After all there's no point in reading about making your marriage better if you aren't willing to make changes in yourself. The last chapter of the book includes a step by step method to bettering your marriage no matter how great or how damaged it is.

If you are finding yourself in the midst of marital chaos and distress right now, I'm so sorry. Discord in the home is so painful. My prayer is that you will find peace - first with God and then with your spouse. Hang in there! I wouldn't say this lightly because I take marriage very seriously; this book will help if you are willing to learn from it and apply it.

I got a free copy of this book from Bethany House Publishing Group in exchange for an honest review.

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