Friday, October 3, 2014

"A Bride in Store" book review

A word of advice: If ever you are asked to pose for the cover of a romance novel, make sure you aren't supposed the heroine your face is to portray isn't described over and over in the book as plain. Ha! I wonder if this model knew read the manuscript for she said yes.

Plus, (warning, plot spoiler) within the first few pages, the main character gets attacked and has to deal with a huge scar across her face for the rest of the book. (A detail that gets mentioned a lot) So why does the person on the front have no scar or wound? Hmm, maybe I'm just being picky.

Anyone who has read my blog knows I can be very hard on any book in the romance genre because I can't stand obvious plots. Nor can I stand it when two people seem to hate each other only to find out it's true love once they kiss. Having said that, I was pleasantly surprised to be surprised by a couple of plot twists. In a romance novel! That's a first. The couple also didn't hate each other. (Although it would seem no one on this blessed planet knows how to communicate according to this as well as every other romance novel) Mind you, the hero seemingly falls head over heels in lust with your main gal just by touching her face even though she's plain. Wait a minute - are you that hard up for feminine pickings that this one makes you swoon before you even know about her work ethic or charming say-whatever-comes-to-mind-ness even though you think she's less than average in the looks department?

"A Bride in Store" by Melissa Jagears was, happily, free of smut with just enough kisses to make it nice. Also, the parts about God weren't preachy. If I wanted to read something preachy, I'd grab a non-fiction thank you. In fact, the ending is an example of what true love really looks like - giving up everything for the sake of the one you love. I like seeing a lesson more than hearing one and we're given a lovely one in this novel. But, I won't tell you who does it; you'll have to read the book.

This book was given to me for free in exchange for an honest review.

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