Thursday, March 24, 2011

Not all I Once Was

Today marks the one week anniversary of the death of my appendix. Somehow I thought the removal of a body part would be no big deal. I was feeling like a whimp and wondering why it was I am still in so much pain. I only wondered that until I watched an appendectomy on YouTube. Not for the faint at heart. Basically the make a 2 inch cut, stretch it back with special tong-like things, then reach in and grab whatever part of your large intestines is closest. They then pull pull pull until they come to the place where the appendix is located, thus leaving a nice little pile of your insides lying on your outsides. After tying the appendix off, it's cut off, sewn and cauterized. They then pull more intestine out for inspection. Now the really lovely part. With a pair of blunt tongs, they rather unceremoniously, stuff everything back. Nice.
Don't get me wrong. You'll hear no complaints from me. I prefer sore and lightheaded to having three motherless children living in my house.
This is my shout out to all of the incredible people in my life who have cooked and cleaned and called/emailed over the past week. Quite frankly YOU ROCK! I thank God for you every day. He has been so kind to me throughtout this and has put it on the hearts of so many to make sure that my family's needs are being met. Thank you all for following His promptings.

1 comment:

  1. What a hilarious description of an appendectomy! Jenn just had hers out in November, and we both enjoyed your rendition of the surgery.
