Wednesday, December 31, 2014

"School of the Prophets"

Let me start with an amazing story of God's grace and timing.

I grew up in a church that taught the sign gifts were no more. People who practiced them were using the devil's power (or something like that) Then, my brother in law goes on a mission to find out what these people have that we in the conservative brethren circles don't. Not only does he learn that Holy Spirit is alive and active still on planet earth, but that He wants to work through us too! Excuse me for a moment to emphasis the miraculous component in this because one week earlier, if you had asked me about people who spoke in tongues, I would have said they were toying with danger.

Then, I attended a baptism for someone involved with a church other than my own and a young man came up to me and said, "Would you be willing to come to our Thurs night meeting? You have the gift of prophesy all over you and I'd love to get a word through you." WHAT? I only found out a few months ago that it wasn't of the devil and you're saying I have that gift? But as he said it, my heart was thinking, "I know. It's like I always did know."

Then I started having some serious one on one time with God and He was all in my face about things and flowed over me with new revelation and visions and my head was spinning. But, there's no one at my church to talk to, no one to ask for guidance. I said to my husband, "I feel like a need to look into the School of the Prophets." I didn't say "I need to go to a conference." nor did I say, "I need to attend a workshop." I said the words School of the Prophets. (I didn't even know what that was except Elijah and Elisha were involved with one.) So you'll understand my glorious delight and tears when "School of the Prophets" by Kris Vallotton showed up in my mailbox the very next day!I review books for a couple of different publishing houses and this was the next one I was to review! Praise God. He's so cool.

As for the book itself, I can't say enough good about it! It was easy to read and choked full of important teaching. I laughed inside myself at the number of times a question would arise in my head only to be answered a few pages over. It was as though God had Kris Vallotton write this book with me in mind.

The author touches on the difference between O.T prophets and N.T. prophets, what our role looks like now, practical tips, and how to make sure your personal worldview isn't skewing your vision. If you think you have been given the gift of prophecy, READ THIS BOOK. Even if you don't but believe that from time to time God has given you words for others, READ THIS BOOK.

Like I said before, I review books for a number of different publishing houses. I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.

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