Sunday, May 18, 2014

Love Hunger - book review

I'm not usually lost for words; indeed I tend to have too many but this book has me confused about how I feel about it. Perhaps my confusion comes from the fact that I'm the church librarian and am always thinking, "Is this a book I should put in the library?" To be sure, "Love Hunger" by David Kyle Foster is one that many will find both offensive at the same time as many will find it encouraging and helpful. I guess I found it to be both.

The irony is that if his life story were fiction, I wouldn't read it - too graphic. However, this is real life and there are so many people, more than we know, who need sexual healing - healing that is impossible apart from the mercy of God. If I can be so honest, I've never heard anyone be successful in leaving a life of homosexuality so it was a great encouragement to me to be reminded that God is bigger than any sin. I also found Mr. Foster's drive towards serving His Lord encouraging as well. We need to be fired up; we need to pray and ask God to give us hearts that passionately yearn for him.

I would recommend this book with one caveat: some may find the chapters on Mr. Foster's prostitution years too graphic. In my opinion they were done as tastefully as possible but given the nature of the topic, you'll want to use discretion.

BTW, I was given a copy of this book free in exchange for an honest review.

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