The ongoing journey of this gal's strive for perfection. (But mostly book reviews.)
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
"Fatal Frost" Book Review
My teen daughter snatched this one up and read it before I even realized it had arrived in the mail! I wondered why she suddenly disappeared for a couple of hours. Then, she walks into my room, thumps "Fatal Frost" by Nancy Mehl into my hand and declares, "That was so good!" She's a mystery junkie but I must say, her declaration intrigued me. I quickly finished up the novel I was midway through and started in. Fortunately I was staring down a 15 hour back seat car ride so I had plenty of time to dig into it. I finished before we arrived at our destination. And my daughter was right. It was good.
Now admittedly, some plot twists in "Fatal Frost" can be seen a mile away and other parts you have to just dispel with reality in order to believe but not all. And besides, since when does that make or break a story? Plus, call me old fashioned but I was pleasantly surprised to find that this wasn't a story about a lone woman coming to the rescue of 5 male cops who had failed. Instead it was a give and take between the main characters. There was no hero but there were definitely heroes and it's better that way - more realistic. No one can do it all.
There was violence but it wasn't gruesome at all. Normally I like to preview books before my daughter reads them. Now having read it, I am totally fine with her having read it before me. I'm guessing she's waiting for me to be done with it so it can line her extensive shelf of 'favorites'. (She just told me last night she needs more shelves)
"Fatal Frost" was absolutely enjoyable. It would have been enjoyable even if I hadn't been stuck in the backseat of a car for 15 hours.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
"Waves of Mercy" Book Review
This just might be the best romance novel I've ever read. It wasn't at all what I was expected but I highly enjoyed it. I don't think I have ever read a romance novel where there might really be no good possible endings. Where, like real life, no matter what choice you make, someone's heart is going to hurt. And I loved that "Waves of Mercy" by Lynn Austin was about true love and not the mushy gushy stuff you so often find in movies and novels.
The author did a masterful job of taking snippets of history and weaving an incredible story around them. It made for a believable tale. It was also neat how the two main plot lines interconnected. I found myself falling in love with the people on the pages of "Waves of Mercy" and ended up going to bed far too late as a result.
Usually there is something that I feel I should warn readers about - either poor moral lessons or disturbing material but "Waves of Mercy" was free of both. Plus, the author doesn't have any bad writing habits that made me twitch.
Another thing I liked about this book was that it mirrored my own feels when faced with overwhelming trials. You want to trust God but how many times can your heart break before you start screaming at Him? And yet, He knows. He heals. And He woes us back. That is the most romantic story of all.
"Waves of Mercy" gets two enthusiastic thumbs up.
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
Friday, November 11, 2016
"A Lady Unrivaled" Book Review
Do you ever have moments where you think, "How can I be this dense and still be allowed to own a driver's license?" For the first, say, three chapters of "A Lady Unrivaled", I was pretty lost. Who in the world are all of these people the main characters are talking about as though I should know? It almost made me stop reading. HA! Then I realized - this is book three in the "Ladies of the Manor" series.
(slightly bows head in shame)
"A Lady Unrivaled" is a romantic mystery that falls prey to one of the most annoying traps which plagues the genre - the heroine falling in love with a grumpy rude handsome noble. And why does this bother me so? Because it sends the message that it's okay, no, it's good to get involved with Mr. Moody because you're sunshiny attitude and love will turn him around. Girls, girls, please hear me. Get involved with someone you can stand to be around now, not someone you hope to change.
Apart from my moral objection to life lessons cast about by fluffy novels, "A Lady Unrivaled" was an easy read whose plot clipped along at a nice pace. There was no smut or grotesque violence. And as the story went along, it got better and better. (Again, this might be because I didn't know to read the prequels) The ending was satisfying and the characters, for the most part, likable. Even the villains were the correct balance of evil and pitiable.
I think if you were to read book one and two first, you would like this one. The author did a nice job of intertwining a number of subplots and then bringing the characters' stories all together in the end.
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
"Where Jesus Slept" Book Review and GIVEAWAY
November 1st - my Christmas season has officially begun. And what better way to kick off the 2016 Christmas season than with a child's Christmas book giveaway? Yay. (Comment below before November 10th if you'd like your name in the draw.)
The Nativity story never gets old. Imagine - the fullness of God in the form of a baby. Breathtaking. My kiddies might all be in their teen years, but I still enjoyed "Where Jesus Slept". In fact I still might read it to them on Christmas Eve. (Admittedly, more for my sake than for theirs)
Remember the popular kids' book "Where Was an Old Woman who Swallowed a Fly"? This book is a lot like that. It starts out with the small phrase, "This is the bed where Jesus slept." Each page adds a little more to the sentence. And I'm happy to report that there is a nice lilt to the writing making it a pleasant read.
I have no doubt this one is going to be a favorite of many. The illustrations are cute. Oh, and there aren't too many words on each page which is truly the bane of any parent. You won't be tempted to try and skip pages with "Where Jesus Slept" by Norma Lewis.
Don't forget to comment below for a chance to receive a free copy mailed to your house.
“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller /FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win. Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.
Norma Lewis,
swallowed a spider,
Where Jesus Slept
Monday, October 24, 2016
"Traces of Guilt" Book Review
Oh Man! Was my mystery loving teen daughter excited to see this one arrive on our doorstep. Fortunately I read it first because she's not. No it isn't gruesome. No it isn't smutty. But it does deal with sexual child abuse and, for better or for worse, I don't want my 13 year old to have to deal with that any more than necessary.
In truth, I thought author Dee Henderson did a good job of dealing with the subject without going into detail. However, I didn't like how it was stated over and over that the victim (who is now an adult) needed other people protecting them - as though they can't think for themselves. Victims of abuse have often been told what to think and how to act - against their will. They don't need us to continue on making their decisions. What they need is for us to support them in their decision making, not treat them like a porcelain doll.
I must say "Bravo!" to Ms. Henderson for writing a mystery with many false starts and mis-turns. This book kept me guessing and I didn't see the ending coming. The characters were believable and the plot moved along nicely.
Unfortunately, there is one aspect of Ms. Henderson's writing that grates my nerves. The characters say each other's names too often. No one talks like that in real life and it makes for every conversation sound harsh - like they are being taught or reprimanded all the time. (Ha, I bet if you didn't notice it before, it'll annoy you now.) My daughter asked how I was liking the book and I mentioned this to her and for fun we spoke to each other, throwing in each other's first name as often as the book does. Hilariously rude sounding. It sounded like we were ordering each other around.
All in all I enjoyed this mystery.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
"The Domino Effect" Book Review
Author Davis Bunn uses "The Domino Effect" to bring to light questionable practices financial institutions follow in their never ceasing quest for the next big payoff. Admittedly, I'm not a numbers guru. My money expertise ends at the age old wisdom of "Pay off your credit card every month." And truthfully, real life news of Wall Street rarely captures my attention. However, the way Mr. Bunn tied real life events, such as the lead up to the 2008 crash, had me continually having to remind myself that this was indeed fiction.
On the back cover, "The Domino Effect" is categorized as suspense. Umm, I'd say that's a bit strong of a word. In other write ups, it's described as a thriller. Nope. I kept waiting for the action to start and, well, it never really did. That's not to say it was boring. The first two chapters took a mild level of determination to get through. (Again, because I'm not easily engrossed by banking terms.) But I'm not sorry for having read this book. In fact I think I accidentally learned some stuff. It's just that it's an over sell to call it a thriller. It would be better classed as a financial fiction based on reality-ish.
The writing is clean and the characters memorable though the plot is, well, slightly contrived. The main character's allies are a tad too able. That's okay. Lately I've been needing more sleep so the last thing I need it to get worked up over a fantasy person right at bedtime.
I would give this book 4 stars except that, again, it is being over sold. Just don't go into it thinking it's going to get your heart pounding and I bet you'll like it. Oh, and for the record, there is no sexual content, course language or violence. However, there is the threat of violence
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
Davis Bunn,
The Domino Effect
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
"Cold Shot" Book Review
Parenting requires making hard choices. "Cold Shot" by Dani Pettrey required me to make yet another hard call. Do I let my 13 year old daughter read a fast paced action packed book that I know she'll love or do I keep it from her and preserve a little slice of her innocence because it is, after all, a murder novel and violent by nature?
For awhile I opted for choice number 2. "Cold Shot" is a great book but it's grisly in some parts. (Not as bad as some books out there by why push?) Then I gave in because I know this is her favorite genre and, like I said, it's mild compared to others. I kid you not, she's reread it over 12 times. And truthfully, I like having her read about men and women who are flawed and yet willing to do the hard thing. Okay, maybe we aren't all called to action but are we even willing to raise our voice? And what Christian fiction wouldn't be complete without a hint of romance? Okay. a large dose of romance.
I can definitely see the need for some sequels - well, spin offs really - because the secondary characters' stories would make for more great reads.
The following is the official synopsis:
Four Best Friends.
And Then One Went Missing . . .
In college, Griffin McCray and his three best friends had their lives planned out. Griffin and Luke Gallagher would join the Baltimore Police Department, Declan Grey would head to the FBI, and Parker Mitchell would study to become a crime scene analyst. But then Luke vanished before graduation and their world--and friendships--crumbled.
Now years later, Griffin has left the police and his friendships behind. Still trying to forget a case that went bad when he was a SWAT team sniper, he's living a quiet life as a park ranger at Gettysburg. Quiet until skeletal remains are uncovered near Little Round Top--and they aren't Civil War-era.
Griffin just wants the case to go away, but charming forensic anthropologist Finley Scott discovers evidence pointing to the work of an expert sniper. When FBI agent Declan Grey steps in to take over the case, past and present collide. Griffin soon realizes he'll need to confront some of the darkest days of his life if he--and those he cares about--are going to escape a downward spiral of crime, danger, and murder.
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
"The Artisan's Wife" Book Review
I haven't been feeling well lately and whatever it is that's throwing my body into disarray has tremendously affected my ability to focus. This bit of info is only being shared so that you take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt. While I enjoyed "The Artisan's Wife", it was easy to set it down. No plot twists or conundrums marked its pages nor were there any dire situations for the main characters to overcome.
Now, having said that, I'm glad I read this romance novel. It was light and pithy and just what the doctor ordered. At first I couldn't seem to get into the story but as the chapters passed, I grew to enjoy the lives of Ainslee McKay and Levi Judson and cheered for their successes as they, together, fought to better the lives of the patients of the local mental hospital as well as run a tile factory. And sometimes it's nice to read a story that doesn't worry you in the least. Real life has enough worries of its own.
Author Judith Miller did a great job of setting a good pace for the story. Plus the way she intermingled faith based subjects without it seeming preachy was well done. I also appreciated the way she dealt with the love between the main man and woman. Love was shown for what it truly is and the pie-in-the-sky Hollywood version was left out. For this I thank you. Young gals need more stories of couples coming together because of love and not because they felt their soul burning within them. lol
While "The Artisan's Wife" might not tempt you to burn the midnight oil it was an enjoyable read and I recommend it for anyone looking for a light read.
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
Monday, September 12, 2016
"Live On Forever" By the Afters - Album Review AND GIVEAWAY
Maybe I'm getting old. I can hear the 'back when I was your age' tone in my inner voice but what ever happened to songs that didn't repeat the same line over and over again? (deep breath) The following is a verse from "Time of My Life"
Above the diamonds in the sky
Below my feet is gold and I'm
Never gonna leave never gonna leave this place
Never wanna leave this place
Like a scene from a different life
Like a dream that we'll never die
Never wanna leave, never wanna leave this place, never gonna leave this place
The chorus is just as repetitive
Tonight I'm having the time
I'm having the time of my life
My life
Tonight I'm having the time
I'm having the time of my life
My life
There's no doubt, "The Afters" are a massively talented group. Their sound is reminiscent of most other Contemporary Christian groups on the radio right now. But in order to make out half of what they were saying, I had to turn the bass to -5 and the treble to +5 (which in my car is the max and min settings). While listening, there were three teens in the car accompanying me. Two weren't fans, one liked it.
Here is my free tip for all songwriters - especially Contemporary Christian songwriters - Don't have any two lines that share the same words, don't repeat the chorus more than three times and if you can't think of more lyrics, hire a lyricist. Or stop the song. Better a short song than one that repeats until your listener feels compelled to press OFF.
If you are a big fan of contemporary Christian music, you'll like "Live on Forever". This album just wasn't for me. And here's the best news...
Comment before September 20th for your chance at winning a totally free copy mailed right to your house. Good luck.
"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the
Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win. Or if you have won the same prize on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject to eligibility verification.”
"A Tapestry of Secrets" Book Review
I don't quilt, It seems to be one of those activities that define a person. One doesn't just quilt. They become a quilter. It's their identity. And when I see the works of art the quilters in my life create, I am in awe. The story of "A Tapestry of Secrets" surrounds two women - a grandmother and granddaughter both blessed with the ability of sew works of art.
I quite enjoyed how this book dealt with not judging a person's surface and the secrets that hide in every family. It was a story of redemption, of letting go of the past and of overcoming personal failure. It was also inspiring to read of a young person willing to set aside personal aspirations for the sake of loved ones. (even if it is only fiction) While there is most definitely a romantic aspect to "A Tapestry of Secrets", it is secondary to the main story line.
"A Tapestry of Secrets" by Sarah Loudin Thomas is a nice, rainy day read however, it isn't one I would read over and over again. The story moved at a nice enough pace but it didn't captivate me.
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
Monday, September 5, 2016
"A Sunday Horse" Movie Review
I suppose I should start off by admitting that I wouldn't qualify as a horse lover. I think they are beautiful majestic creatures but I would never kiss one on the snout. Oh, and before watching this movie, I didn't know what a 'sunday horse' was. There are a few people in my life who are horse lovers. It's almost like horses give them a reason for living. While I don't understand it, their passion makes me smile.
"A Sunday Horse" is the true story of a woman who managed to not only enter the for-the-rich-only world of show jumping but excelled. Just as she arrived at the top of her game, this woman, Debi Connor, then fell from her horse and spent months learning to walk again. Determined not to give up, she overcame huge obstacles to once again successfully compete in show jumping.
Because, as I said, I'm not a horse lover, horse movies aren't my go-to form of entertainment. However, I quite enjoyed "A Sunday Horse". My husband and I discussed the quality of acting and we both felt that the actress playing Debi's mother was painful to watch. However, I don't know the real life mother. Maybe this portrayal was spot on. My one teen son was annoyed by the obviousness of the outcome of each competition. But as I explained to him, if she didn't win, there wouldn't be a movie on her life.
This was a movie that's great for the whole family with the exception of teen sons. Both of mine only watched it because I had chips. And afterwards, I wish they hadn't. They would look at me with a "Are you kidding me?" face whenever the main character got emotional about her horse. On the other hand, my teen daughter had tears in her eyes. (She loves horses) There are a handful of d-mns spoken and one instance of the main character declaring she 'has the balls' to ride. Other than that, this movie is completely family friendly. Plus there is a strong faith element to the story line.
If you like horse movies, you'll really enjoy "A Sunday Horse". If you don't, you'll likely think it's unremarkable as it mirrors many of the sport comeback story movies out there. I'm glad I watched it but I wouldn't watch it again.
"Movie has been provided courtesy of Mongrel Canada and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
A Sunday Horse,
Debi Connor,
show jumping
Sunday, August 14, 2016
"God's Not Dead 2" Review
One of the great things about being a blogger is the free stuff. My latest snag? A free viewing of "God's Not Dead 2". Yay.
I definitely wasn't the first person at my church to see "God's Not Dead" (the first one) Over and over people said, "It's sooo good! You've got to see it!"
"Wow," I thought, "I don't usually give faith-based movies much thought because of the poor quality but...if this many people loved it, it must be amazing." Or not. Don't get me wrong, the message was great but the acting, writing and general plot were as expected.
Now when people tell me they loved a faith-based movie, I ask, "Did you love the movie or the message?" They look at me strangely for a moment and then sheepishly laugh.
That's what I thought.
With that in mind, I already knew what to expect from "God's Not Dead 2". And unfortunately again the plot was predictable, the acting cheesy and the dialogue wooden. (Ugh - I hate giving poor reviews) However, my late teen son said that he thought number 2 was a bit better than number 1. Then jokingly said, "By number 10, it'll be really good."
As a Jesus loving, Bible studying, card holding Christian, the way non-Christians were portrayed in this film rubbed me the wrong way. In fact it made me cross. It seemed like every non-Christian was an angry, hateful beast out to destroy Christians. But as the Bible points out, we do not war against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. We shouldn't think of non-believers as our enemies but as those Jesus died to save.
The premise of this movie is a teacher is taken to court over discussing Jesus in the classroom. My favorite part of the whole movie was when they had a couple of true-life authors come in as witnesses. I can see me picking up a copy of their books.
If you liked the first movie, you'll like this one. It's quite similar. My young teen daughter loved them both. She said she was fighting tears the whole time. (which makes me smile - I love her heart) As for myself, I'd rather listen to the Newsboys and then read a book about Jesus.
"Movie has been provided courtesy of Sony Home Entertainment Canada and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Homeschooling High School Recordkeeping, Transcripts and Credits
As if homeschooling isn't hard enough! Just when you're getting the hang of it, your child hits high school and the games changes. You can do it! Here are three videos to help you with the planning, and recordkeeping. If I refer to a chart in the video, there will be a link below it to a printable copy for you.
Praying this is helpful for you.
Praying this is helpful for you.
Sunday, July 31, 2016
How to Organize Your Homeschool Year
Deep breath. You can do this!!! Kids will naturally learn but this scheduling program will help you keep your head in the game. And yes, it's more work in the short term but it pays off in dividends - I promise!!! Make sure you watch the videos in order as they refer back to previous ones.
Leave more blank days than you think you need on your calendar. They can be catch up days, field trip days, sick days etc.
Click this link to print the Intended Course of Study page.
Leave more blank days than you think you need on your calendar. They can be catch up days, field trip days, sick days etc.
Click here for a printable Weekly Plan - Blank
Click here for the printable Daily Plan - Blank
Click here for the printable Daily Plan - Example
homeschool schedule,
how to homeschool,
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Mascara and Matte Lipstick Review
I got these products free from Bzzagent but I'm completely honest (as always) about what I think about them).

#KatyKatMatte, #KatyKatEye #GotItFree
Monday, July 11, 2016
"Miracles from Heaven" Movie Review
Wow!!!! So impressed!
Even though I love Jesus and my favorite hobby is talking about Him, in the past, faith based movies have kind of made me cringe because they're, well, low budget. The acting is poor, the dialogue is stiff and the special effects amateurish. When a fellow believer tells me I have to watch the latest faith based movie because it's "so good'', I ask, "Is it good because of the message or the quality of the movie?" And more often then not, it's the message they love. Fair enough.
But every once in a while one comes along that blows you away. This was the case with "Miracles from Heaven". 15 minutes in I was crying and continued on and off for the next hour and a half. Jennifer Garner's moving performance was flawless. In fact, all of the acting was bang on. I loved how the mother's struggles were presented - very relatable. I also loved Queen Latifah's role. Everyone needs a friend like that.
I loved the montage of the true Beam family (who the movie is actually about) at the end of the film. It does the heart good to see them all smiling and thriving. I also loved when the mother finally admits that she can't pray and that she's lost her faith. I've been there and it was only the hand of God that got me back. But what happens when God says no and there is no visible miracle? It would be nice to someday see a movie that deals with that. I suppose in some way even this movie does when a man stands up to encourage Mrs. Beam in the final scene. (I'll say no more for fear of giving something away.)
I just read a few reviews "Miracles from Heaven" received and was shocked by how poorly received this movie was. It was superb and my husband, who hates dramas, agreed. Could it be as simple as a backlash due to the name of Jesus being spoken? I'm guessing so because I judge movies harshly and this one still wins in my books.
Do yourself a favor and watch this movie.
Just make sure you have plenty of kleenex nearby.
"Movie has been provided courtesy of Sony Entertainment Canada and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
Jennifer Garner,
Miracles from Heaven,
Queen Latifah
"A Haven On Orchard Lane" Book Review
As I was reading "A Haven on Orchard Lane" someone asked me what it was about. I laughed and said, "I have no idea but I'm thoroughly enjoying it." Here's how I can best describe it:
If you were to take a reality show, strip away the crude drama, the crass personalities, set it in nineteenth century England, you'd have this book. Much of it seemed like you were simply following a group of people as they went about life. And yet, it's lovely and I kept wanting to read more.
It's also not a romance through it is definitely a love story. The relationships you watch bloom and the way the people interact makes you wish you were a part of their small town. Of course, what small town wouldn't be complete without it's own busybody gossip? But even she simply makes for entertaining reading.
I want to live on Orchard Lane for there even the turmoils of life turn into lessons that spring forth blessings. This book is aptly name for not only do the characters find a haven, but you as the reader will too.
I've never read a book quite like this one before but I hope author Lawana Blackwell writes more.
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
Lawana Blackwell,
love story,
Orchard Lane
"No Other Will Do" Book Review
I've been sitting here at my desk for a few minutes not knowing what to type. Did I enjoy "No Other Will Do"? Yes. Did it leave a great impression on me? Apparently not. I enjoyed reading it well enough but I only finished it because I hurt my neck meaning I couldn't do much else.
Karen Witemeyer tells of a group of women who for one reason or another feel the need to live in a women only colony where men are not allowed. Even in real life, I'm sure there are many women who would love to be able to find safety in a place like that. However, I suppose I didn't love this book in part because I hate male bashing. And while the women in this story as in real life, often need rescuing from the hands of men, I didn't enjoy the continual "Who needs a man?" thread that continues throughout the pages.
Of course, this is a romance so there has to be a fella to save the day. And there has to be a villain. And where there's a villain, there's usually violence. Given "No Other Will Do" is most definitely to be placed in the romance genre, I was surprised by the amount of violence in it.
However, I can happily say that I didn't guess who the villain was until it was exposed - always a bonus.
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
Karen Witemeyer,
No Other Will Do,
women's colony
"From This Moment" Book Review
Whenever one of Elizabeth Camden's books arrives in the mail, my teen daughter squeals with delight and begs me to let her read it first. The problem with saying yes to that request is that then I have to fend off her repeated attempts to tell me the plot twists. I understand. She gets so wrapped up in the story that it starts to feel like real life and it's human nature to want to share our life with others.
I also understand why Camden is one of her favorite authors. She tells wonderful romantic tales that are surrounded in mystery. She doesn't bog down the story line with endless misunderstandings between the would-be lovers or long winded setting descriptions. "From This Moment" was no different and was a pleasure to read from start to finish.
"From This Moment" tells of a woman who moves to Boston to investigate the death of her sister which has been ruled an accident. There she meets the co-owner of a scientific magazine who is struggling to overcome his own battles. Together they tackles a myriad of hurdles and accidentally develop feelings for one another along the way.
One of the aspects I enjoyed most about "From this Moment" was the way Camden wove the strengths and weaknesses into each character. They all have their moments or failure but also success - just like in real life. I also liked the pace of the plot. It clipped along at a quick speed and was easy to follow.
The only part of this book that left me going, "Meh" were the final 3 or 4 pages. It all wrapped up too suddenly and neatly. I'll give you an example of what I mean however this example is in no way based on the actual story. Say a book is 300 pages long and it takes 295 pages for the two to fall in love. However, he's badly injured and she can't find her dog or the precious heirloom that means the world to her. Oh and the bad guy needs to be tried. Then in the remaining 5 pages, they get married, he heals up, she finds the dog which happens to have the heirloom in its mouth and the bad guy goes to prison forever. The end.
When this happens, it almost feels like the author got tired and just wanted to get the book done already. Maybe the publisher was breathing down her throat or something. I don't know but the last 5 pages felt forced. An epilogue would have been a better format for wrapping up the loose ends. Having said that, I still thoroughly enjoyed this book and would delightfully recommend it to anyone who loves clean romance novels with a touch of mystery.
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
Saturday, June 25, 2016
"Unashamed" Book Review and Giveaway
Has there ever been a person who didn't have to recover from shame? I think not. It's so insidious that we don't even know it's there much of the time. Likely this is because we've been told the same lies, either by others or by ourselves, so often that it's come to sound like truth.
You're not enough. You don't belong. You are your past.
Usually the shame lies aren't so point blank but under the facade these statements are what they boil down to. So how do we overcome it? This is the question author Heather Davis Nelson seeks to answer in her book "Unashamed".
God and I have already gone for many trips down healing lane so quite a number of chapters in "Unashamed" weren't new concepts for me. However, because I have already gone through the healing process, I can say that this book speaks the truth.
Each chapter covers a different area of shame we might struggle with, how it manifests in our lives, where it might have come from and how to deal with it. I would have liked a little more emphasis put on the 'dealing with it' part however it is there. Ironically, when it came to the chapter on parenting and how to avoid instilling shame in your kids, I was filled with shame. I've made too many mistakes and it's too late. Hmm, looks like I need to go for another healing trip with God. But I did do most if not all of the mistakes the author is warning us not to make. I wish I'd read this book while my kids were still infants before it was too late. Fortunately, Jesus is a Redeemer - not just of my soul but of my life with all its mistakes too. He can take the mess I've made with my poor parenting and turn it into something beautiful. I know this in my head. Some days my heart even knows it. Some days.
Other than the chapter on parenting, which I found quite discouraging - because the past is not open for changing, this book held a lot of encouragement and also points out the difference between guilt and shame which, to quote the book, goes like this:
Guilt = I did something bad.
Shame = I am bad.
Subtle but worlds apart.
I am guilty of missing the mark in parenting but I continue to be of value because I am God's daughter and He has proclaimed His love for me
Feel like your could use some healing from shame? On July 2nd, 2016, I will be having a draw for a free copy of "Unashamed". Comment below to have your name entered. Good Luck.
Ps. God loves you!
(in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the
Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks
to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway.
Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by
monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange
for this review and post. Only one entrant per mailing
address, per giveaway. If
you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in
the last 30 days, you are not eligible to win. Or if you have won the
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Heather Davis Nelson,
Saturday, June 11, 2016
"Delilah" Book Review
When I was asked to review "Delilah" by Angela Hunt, I was super excited because she holds a spot in my top five favorite authors. Her extraordinary ability to take a story from the Bible and turn it into a novel is beautiful and rare. I love how she humanizes the names that appear on those sacred pages.
Delilah. The very name conjures up preconceived judgments that vilify a woman who, in truth, we don't know at all. I've often thought that Delilah has unfairly become synonymous for money hungry traitor. But was she really? It's easy for forget the time and region in which she lived. What drove her to betray Samson? This side of Heaven, it'll remain a mystery but Angela Hunt is an incredible job of sewing together a fictional possibility.
Reading the story of Delilah, and by default Samson, was like watching a new rendition of "Romeo and Juliet". You get to know the characters and care for them but you know the ending. And as the story progresses, you find yourself hoping that maybe this time it won't end the same tragic way as you know it must. But alas, it must.
I was afraid that when it came time to read about Samson's capture and blinding, it would be too much to bear. It wasn't. The author spared us the gruesome details while staying true to the story.
On the other hand, I must give a warning: While not overwhelmingly graphic, sexual violence plays a major role in this novel. I would say it's definitely in keeping with the time and region of Delilah's existence. (after all, she lived during the time of the Book of Judges - ick) But it is still something that distresses me to read about and it's also why I told my teen daughter I didn't want her reading it.
Other than that warning, this book gives two enthusiastic thumbs up. Angela Hunt, you hit it out of the park once again!
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
"Fading Starlight" Book Review
Doing book reviews is great! Whenever illness or injury keeps me in bed, I have a brand new book to read! Yay.
Well, a couple of days ago, I was merely putting on my socks when my neck did the old snap, crackle, pop dance and boom, mind-blowing pain accompanied with the inability to move. Nuts. While I'm still, 5 days later, moving like a robot and hopped up on muscle relaxants, I can at least be thankful that I had a lovely novel, "Fading Starlight" to read and take my mind off the pain.
I actually thought "Fading Starlight" was going to be a romance. It was definitely a love story but not a romance story. Author Kathryn Cushman did a great job of telling a very sweet tale of a younger woman, who's been cast out of the fashion world, trying to show love to an embittered older woman. "Fading Starlight' had the feel of a romance novel - no twists and turns that you don't see coming a mile away. Plus the ending left everything neatly tied up. But in a world full of stress and insecurity, it's nice to escape into the pages of a book where the good guy wins.
I also loved that "Fading Starlight" told the tale of what true love really looks like - being kind for the sake of being kind without any thought of personal benefit. It's increasingly rare to find a story that doesn't glorify violence and sensuality so I'm pleased that "Fading Starlight" is out there for all the world to enjoy. When my teen daughter asked if she could read it, I enthusiastically said, "Yes!" Plus, I think she'll enjoy it.
I have nothing negative to say about "Fading Starlight". It's fluffy, it's fun, it's clean. Perfect for a day stuck in bed with a neck that won't move.
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
Thursday, June 2, 2016
"Children of God" CD by Phil Wickham - Review
Although Phil Wickham has put out many CDs in the past, this is the first one that I have listened to.
Phil Wickham has a great voice! If you could combine the vocals of Michael W. Smith and Bono, you'd have Phil Wickham. The style of music is reminiscent of these two artists too.
However, I felt quite frustrated while listening to "Children of God" because the songs do what so many praise songs do. They start out with a wonderful uplifting verse and then are followed by one or two lines that are sung over and over until your daughter, who's in the car with you, finally begs you to skip to the next song. True story.
There wasn't one song that we listened to the very end. And, as per the norm in the praise/worship genre, the repeated line is accompanied by high pitched electric guitar and overwhelming drums that seem to be trying to make up for the lack of lyrical ingenuity.
This is an industry standard which frustrates me to no end because my teens don't want to listen to most of the faith based music out there. And I don't blame them. It's annoying to the ears.
I loved the first minute of every song on "Children of God" but...
I'm still waiting for a praise/worship CD to be released that carries no repeating phrases and doesn't try to elicit emotion through whining musical build up. The makers of this CD are obviously very talented. I just wish they would stop when the lyrics stop.
Of course, you don't have to take my word for it. Here are some links - judge for yourself and tell me if you agree.
YouTube Video:
"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
"Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.
Monday, May 30, 2016
"Wise Guys" Book Review and Giveaway
Well obviously I'm not a guy. But this didn't stop me from gleaning great advice and insight from "Wise Guys" by Kent Evans. In a society that prizes independence above all else, and songs like "I Did it My Way" are hits, it was refreshing to hear someone say, "Oooor, we could stop and learn from someone who has already been down this road and learned a thing or two." Bingo.
A few of Mr. Evans points stopped me in my tracks and got my brain thinking. Like: Instead of asking your kids what they want to do for a living, ask them what they want to be. Kind? Adventurous? A great artist? And then, encourage them to seek out people who have managed to become that and ask them how. Brilliant! How many people say, "One day I'm going to be famous."but then end up working a job they hate their entire life for lack of a plan. Okay, maybe being famous isn't a great goal but you get my drift. How do we become anything without taking the required steps to get there?
The author also touched on using your words wisely, being teachable and gracious, the importance of volunteering etc. These points were taught through his life stories - many of which were humorous. I have no negatives to mention about "Wise Guys" especially considering that I am not the intended audience. I suggested both of my teenage sons read it and encourage you to suggest the same to your teen/early 20s son. I take that back - this book is good for guys of any age.
If you'd like a chance to win a free copy, enter a comment below to have your name entered in a draw on June 6th, 2016. Good luck!
(in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the
Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks
to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this
prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own
and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of
the product in exchange for this review and post.
Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If
you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in
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Thursday, May 19, 2016
"Bearing Witness" Book Review and Giveaway
"Bearing Witness" isn't the kind of book you read before bed to have sweet dreams. About 50 pages in I thought, "I don't know if I can handle this book." Nothing is more violent than true accounts of history. And the human ability, propensity even, for untold cruelty constantly astounds me.
"Bearing Witness" tells the stories of 36 Anabaptists and the hard path they took to stand up for what they believed. It begins in the time of the early church and continues to present age. While the content was hard to swallow given its violent nature, the writing was smooth and succinct. If the theme had been lighter I would have breezed through it quickly but found myself only able to bear one or two life stories at a time. In the end though I'm glad I read it. To see people holding fast to Jesus throughout the worst man can throw at them is inspiring. Plus it is encouraging to know that in the moment of testing, there is grace. May the lives of those who have gone before us remind us that no matter the cost, Christ is worth it.
There were a few times while reading "Bearing Witness" that I thought to myself, "Would I be able to stand strong in my belief? Even if my children's well being was threatened?" Hard question. Jesus told us not to worry about the needs of tomorrow but I don't think it was all wrong to ask myself that question because if I am willing to put anything before Jesus, I've an idol.
In North America, the worst 'persecution' I've had to deal with are unkind words so it's easy to forget that there truly is a battle going on. I should think that believers in Muslim countries are in no need of a reminder. Therefore, as a way of pointing us to pray for those who are suffering because of the cross of Christ, I recommend you read "Bearing Witness". Plus, even though I am not an Anabaptist, I worship the same Lord and can see the winds changing even in Canada. We are warned that it is going to get worse before it gets better. But, Jesus has overcome and therefore so have I because my life is in Him. Praise the Lord.
On May 26th I will be drawing for a free copy. Comment below to have your name entered. Good Luck.
(in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the
Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks
to Propeller
Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of
winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary
compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this
review and post.
Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If
you have won a prize from our
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bearing witness,
Monday, May 16, 2016
"Think and Eat Yourself Smart" Book Review
Oh for the means and energy to do all you know you ought to do. The "Little House on the Prairie" lifestyle is such a romantic notion. Wouldn't it be lovely to raise your own chickens and grow your own vegetables? How delightful it would be to have children who, with a grateful gleam in their eyes, say, "Oh Mom! Thank you so much for this delicious vegetable stir fry you made for us!"
I KNOW our diet leaves much to be desired. I hate every sip of pop my family drinks. I makes me cringe to see them scope the measly minimum required helping of peas instead of gobbling up the two or three green varieties laid out before them on the table. But when do I fight and when do I give in?
It would be nothing short of hypocrisy to pretend that my own diet is pristine. Krispy Kreme donuts are my kryptonite. A few years ago, I did the "Whole 30". This is where for a minimum of 30 days, you eat nothing but vegetables, some fruit and lean meat. Zero cheating! Not even so much as a drop of bbq sauce. Then at the end of those 30 days you start reintroducing other foods. The reason I did it was to try and find out what was giving me digestion and inflammation issues. The "Whole 30" serve its purpose; the offending foods became known. And what were they? A number of vegetables. Go figure. Goodbye onions, red, green and yellow peppers, tomatoes and celery. I will miss you but you caused me physical grief. (though you made my food delicious)
Given this bit of background, it makes me feel tired all over when someone, with the science to back it, says, "You must eat more vegetables and less everything else." In theory, yes - I wholeheartedly agree. In reality, it's hard to cook a variety of healthy dishes when so many of the ingredients you'd normally think of as vegetable staples are on my 'I can't eat that' list.
The author, Dr. Caroline Leaf, is a very decorated scientist and I believe everything she wrote. Plus, the notes at the back of the book referencing different scientific studies and publishings is 73 pages long. 73 pages! This points to a great/not so great aspect of "Think and Eat Yourself Smart". The great part is that Dr. Leaf backs up every point she makes and explains the science with science-y words. The not so great part is that Dr. Leaf backs up every point she makes and explains the science with science-y words. About 1/3 of the way in I started reading the opening sentences of each paragraph instead of the entire paragraph.
On the other hand, "Think and Eat Yourself Smart" has renewed my sense of necessity when it comes to my role as grocery buyer and cook. And I can say that since reading it my fridge is much more colorful. I'm still putting sugar in my coffee and and intend to eat the bacon, mmm bacon, in my freezer but overall, Dr. Leaf as caused me to re-evaluate the family diet.
I may not plant an apple tree or raise a cow but Dr. Leaf has convinced me to stop and question my outlook on food and slowly make changes to what goes into family's mouths.
Because I've read books on this topic before, I wasn't surprised by much of what Dr. Leaf presented. If, however, you haven't read a recent book on the often under-talked about necessity for an overhaul in your eating patterns, I would recommend Dr. Leaf's book. We do need to make changes - even if it's just one little one at a time.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
"The League and the Lantern" Book Review and Giveaway
If "National Treasure" and "Spy Kids" got married, their offspring would be "The League and the Lantern" by Brian Wells. Intended for 9-14 year olds, this novel has everything a middle schooler could want. Action, bad guys, clues hidden through history. And, of course, kids kickin' butt.
There are three main characters - each extremely gifted. Jake is a genius wrestling champion, TJ a hyper-memory fencing champion, and Lucy who speaks 5 languages and is a bit of a ninja. Together, after accidentally becoming entangled in the fight of the ages between The League and The Lantern, they use their strengths to overcome the schemes of those who would cause them harm. Three youths against a gang of men with advanced tech gadgets.
Oh, did I mention they were only 11?
Okay, so it doesn't make for realistic reading but what kids TV show or movie doesn't have the youngsters besting the evil adults?
There was a bit of violence but it wasn't at all graphic. In fact, during the action scenes, the author kind of lost me. (Which in a way is good, no bloody mental pictures) Where the author perhaps falls short in this area, he makes up for it in the characters. Loved the character TJ! Loved what came out of his mouth - very entertaining. Also loved that there was no smut, no profanity, no occultic references etc. I would happily place this book into the hands of any child around me. Plus, as a bonus, the author had to add a number of mini history lessons throughout the book to explain the plot. (Whether these are trustworthy facts is for someone else to verify.)
My one criticism would be chapter 1. A bit confusing and frustrating. But if you keep reading, the rest is worth it.
And now for the fun part. I have a copy to giveaway. If you'd like your name put in to the May 18th, 2016 draw, comment below. Good Luck!
(in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the
Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks
to Propeller
Consulting, LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of
winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary
compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this
review and post.
Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If
you have won a prize from our
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Tuesday, May 3, 2016
"None Like Him" Book Review and Giveaway
They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. In this case, it's very true. What a dreadful cover. It's worse in real life. Drab colors, hard to read title; I fear no one will pick this book up because no one will even notice it on the store shelf. Sadness.
But if you can get past the cover and read the back of the book, you will likely be interested. (Provided you're interested in learning about the Great I Am.) "None Like Him" goes through 10 attributes of God that we can not obtain (such as self-existence, infinite, sovereign) and shows not only do we not appreciate these attributes in God, we seem to think we possess them. The author, Jen Wilkin, also discusses what believing that lie does to us and how to combat it.
"None Like Him" is the perfect example of what happens when a great thinker doesn't have a great editor. Ms. Wilkins has so many incredible nuggets of truth and insight but the book isn't that well written. There are paragraphs that more resemble lists and unnecessarily explanations. I found myself going -- skim, skim, WOW!, skim, skim, WOW! I still highly recommend this book because of the multitude of WOW! moments. And maybe I'm being too hard on the her. Now that I think about it, her writing style is quite reminiscent of Max Lucado. (whose writing I also file under "skim, skim, WOW!") If you love Mr. Lucado's writing, you'll love this book too.
In the past week, I've talked to no less than 6 people about the ideas presented in "None Like Him" and it has upped my appreciation for the One I call Lord and Savior. It has also made me pause and reevaluate a few things in my life for which I am thankful. Jen Wilkin is gifted in turning your mind to the Eternal, Incomprehensible, Omnipresent God of the Universe.
If only it didn't have that dreadful cover.
If you can look past the cover and see the worth of this book and if you'd like your name entered into a draw for a free copy, please leave a comment below. The draw will be held May 10th, 2016. Good Luck.
(in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the
Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”): Many thanks
to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing this
prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own
and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of
the product in exchange for this review and post.
Only one entrant per mailing address, per giveaway. If
you have won a prize from our sponsor Propeller / FlyBy Promotions in
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days, you are not eligible to win. Or if you have won the same prize
on another blog, you are not eligible to win it again. Winner is subject
to eligibility verification.”"Sins of the Past' Book Review
"Sins of the Past" is a collection of three short stories under one cover. All three have the same feel to them - a mystery, a handsome police officer, a woman in trouble. It's a tried and true formula that works. I mean, if the future boyfriend isn't a cop, how is he going to get behind the scenes information about the detective work going on?
My 13 year old daughter loves mysteries. She has an overflowing bookshelf in her room and every book is efficiently placed into one of two categories - daytime reading and nighttime reading. Books that freak you out? Daytime only reading. This is definitely a nighttime okay reading book. There wasn't anything horrifying or graphic. Author Dani Pettrey came the closest to getting my nerves on edge as she describes the main character realizing someone was in her home but all three novellas are more romance than mystery. There's something to be solved in each story but there's also a lot of googly eyes being made too. That's okay - I enjoy this kind of romance novel. They're light, fun but with an actual plot.
Speaking of plot...
While the authors did well to have twists and turns as much as is possible in a 100 page story, it is proper to keep in mind that these are short stories and therefore the plots don't go in as much depth as a normal novel. On the plus side, this also means the stories skip along at a fast pace. Like reading a magazine.
The first story, "Missing" by Dee Henderson, didn't do anything for me. I would read a few pages, walk away, read a few more when convenient. Not a sign of a great book. However, "Shadowed" by Dani Pettrey and "Blackout" by Lynette Eason were much better. Better written, better mystery, better romance. I finished those two stories in less time then the one by Dee Henderson. If "Missing" was a book by itself, I wouldn't recommend it. Not that it's dreadful, but it just wasn't great. However, "Shadowed" and "Blackout" more than make up for it. They might not be quite believable but who is looking for believable in a romance mystery novel?
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
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