Tuesday, June 7, 2016

"Fading Starlight" Book Review

Doing book reviews is great! Whenever illness or injury keeps me in bed, I have a brand new book to read! Yay.

Well, a couple of days ago, I was merely putting on my socks when my neck did the old snap, crackle, pop dance and boom, mind-blowing pain accompanied with the inability to move. Nuts. While I'm still, 5 days later, moving like a robot and hopped up on muscle relaxants, I can at least be thankful that I had a lovely novel, "Fading Starlight" to read and take my mind off the pain.

I actually thought "Fading Starlight" was going to be a romance. It was definitely a love story but not a romance story. Author Kathryn Cushman did a great job of telling a very sweet tale of a younger woman, who's been cast out of the fashion world, trying to show love to an embittered older woman. "Fading Starlight' had the feel of a romance novel - no twists and turns that you don't see coming a mile away. Plus the ending left everything neatly tied up. But in a world full of stress and insecurity, it's nice to escape into the pages of a book where the good guy wins.

I also loved that "Fading Starlight" told the tale of what true love really looks like  - being kind for the sake of being kind without any thought of personal benefit. It's increasingly rare to find a story that doesn't glorify violence and sensuality so I'm pleased that "Fading Starlight" is out there for all the world to enjoy.  When my teen daughter asked if she could read it, I enthusiastically said, "Yes!" Plus, I think she'll enjoy it.

I have nothing negative to say about "Fading Starlight". It's fluffy, it's fun, it's clean. Perfect for a day stuck in bed with a neck that won't move.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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