Monday, July 11, 2016

"A Haven On Orchard Lane" Book Review

As I was reading "A Haven on Orchard Lane" someone asked me what it was about. I laughed and said, "I have no idea but I'm thoroughly enjoying it." Here's how I can best describe it:

If you were to take a reality show, strip away the crude drama, the crass personalities, set it in nineteenth century England, you'd have this book. Much of it seemed like you were simply following a group of people as they went about life. And yet, it's lovely and I kept wanting to read more.

It's also not a romance through it is definitely a love story. The relationships you watch bloom and the way the people interact makes you wish you were a part of their small town. Of course, what small town wouldn't be complete without it's own busybody gossip? But even she simply makes for entertaining reading.

I want to live on Orchard Lane for there even the turmoils of life turn into lessons that spring forth blessings. This book is aptly name for not only do the characters find a haven, but you as the reader will too.

I've never read a book quite like this one before but I hope author Lawana Blackwell writes more.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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