Monday, July 11, 2016

"Miracles from Heaven" Movie Review

Wow!!!!  So impressed!

Even though I love Jesus and my favorite hobby is talking about Him, in the past, faith based movies have kind of made me cringe because they're, well, low budget. The acting is poor, the dialogue is stiff and the special effects amateurish. When a fellow believer tells me I have to watch the latest faith based movie because it's "so good'', I ask, "Is it good because of the message or the quality of the movie?" And more often then not, it's the message they love. Fair enough.

But every once in a while one comes along that blows you away. This was the case with "Miracles from Heaven".  15 minutes in I was crying and continued on and off for the next hour and a half. Jennifer Garner's moving performance was flawless. In fact, all of the acting was bang on. I loved how the mother's struggles were presented - very relatable. I also loved Queen Latifah's role. Everyone needs a friend like that.

I loved the montage of the true Beam family (who the movie is actually about) at the end of the film. It does the heart good to see them all smiling and thriving.  I also loved when the mother finally admits that she can't pray and that she's lost her faith. I've been there and it was only the hand of God that got me back. But what happens when God says no and there is no visible miracle? It would be nice to someday see a movie that deals with that. I suppose in some way even this movie does when a man stands up to encourage Mrs. Beam in the final scene. (I'll say no more for fear of giving something away.)

I just read a few reviews "Miracles from Heaven" received and was shocked by how poorly received this movie was. It was superb and my husband, who hates dramas, agreed. Could it be as simple as a backlash due to the name of Jesus being spoken? I'm guessing so because I judge movies harshly and this one still wins in my books.

Do yourself a favor and watch this movie.

Just make sure you have plenty of kleenex nearby.

"Movie has been provided courtesy of Sony Entertainment Canada and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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