Thursday, March 1, 2018

"Judah's Wife" Book Review

I love Angela Hunt's work. Whenever I'm asked to review one of her books, I get all bubbly. As per her norm, with "Judah's Wife", she did not disappoint.

Important disclaimer: I've never read the Apocrypha.

Does this book hold true to the historical records? Sorry, couldn't tell ya. All I know is that I loved it.

When I first saw the cover, I assumed the title was referring to Judah, the son of Israel. It's not. It's about Judah Maccabeus.  This was a pleasant surprise only because, like I said, I'm know very little about the Maccabean revolution. (Hopefully Ms. Hunt didn't lead me astray. Yes I know this is only fiction)

To be honest, reading this book inspired me to be a better wife. What? From a fiction???  Yep. Something about seeing into the heart of a man who is fighting, fighting, fighting coming home and only wanting one thing - a supporting wife, made me question my own life. Am I doing all I can for my husband who has his own daily stress? Sure, he isn't leading an army, but he does face battles.

Due to the nature of the people this book is based on, there are some graphic parts. However when you think about how gory it could have been, I think Ms. Hunt did a fantastic job of finding the line between realism and decorum.

I also loved how God is honored and Judah's trust in HaShem is honored without sermons. (If I was in the mood for sermons, I'd read a non-fiction)

Once again, Angela Hunt, you wrote another winner. If I had a ribbon, I'd give it to you!

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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