Friday, March 24, 2017

"Recruits" Book Review

This was a doozy! Author Thomas Locke (aka Davis Bunn) created a fast paced sci-fi fantasy novel that's had me hooked. It's the story of twin brothers who find they have powers they didn't know they possessed. And with those powers comes the realization that the universe is much more populated than previously thought.

I think part of what makes this book so intriguing is that we all have an unspoken desire for more. It's like our inner self knows we were meant for greatness. So to read a story of young men who have their greatness realized feels like a book written about ourselves except it hasn't happened yet in our own lives.

The plot moved along as a great pace and the dialogue was concise, not cyclical (always a bonus). I still didn't quite feel like I knew the characters intimately by the end of the book but knew them well enough to form an opinion about whether they were friend or foe.  And for the most part, I could make a clear mental picture of the scene unfolding based on what was written. The final battle was a little hard to visualize but not impossible.

The only downside to "Recruits" (which isn't really a downside) was that it was a couple of teens saving the universe.  And that is so often the story. Cops and military can't get the job done so let's hand everything over to two teens with no life experience.  Please don't take this 'downside' too strongly though. After all, these particular teens had unusual powers. And as we all know from Marvel and DC Comics, that changes everything.  :)

I highly recommend "Recruits". It was enjoyable. A couple of times I had to put it down because I was just starting to get scared and I don't like to read anything scary at bedtime.  Having said that though, this isn't a scary book. It just has a couple of intense moments.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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