Saturday, April 23, 2016

"Counted WIth The Stars" Book Review

Fiction inspired by the pages of Scripture is my favorite genre so it was with great anticipation that I began to read "Counted With the Stars" by Connilyn Cossette. Happily I can report that it did not disappoint.

"Counted With the Stars" is the story of an Egyptian slave who lives through the 10 plagues and flees Egypt with the Israelites during the Great Exodus. There is very little talk of Moses (Mosheh) except as rumor. I kind of liked that because in a population as great as it would have been, it's likely how it would have happened. Certainly not everyone would have had firsthand information about what was happening.

The characters were well written and the plot moved along at a great pace. Exposition was masterfully intertwined midst the conflict. Plus, to the best of my recollection, nothing was blatantly scripturally erroneous. Always an extra bonus.

On the cover it says this is Book 1 of the "Out of Egypt" series. I truly hope Book 2 comes out soon. "Counted With the Stars" had a bit of everything - romance, action, adventure, encouragement...  The only small warning I would give is this: While no doubt it was, and is, an issue for female slaves, sexual violence was mentioned. Though not graphic and was in keeping with the story line, for this reason I wouldn't put this book into the hands of a young teen. For adults it gets two enthusiastic thumbs up.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."

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