"One Dress, One Year" chronicles the life of Bethany Winz for one year as she tries to raise awareness and funds for Human Trafficking by wearing the same dress every day for one year. For anyone, this type of commitment is admirable. In a 16 year old girl, it's quite uncommon and to be applauded.
Human Trafficking is deplorable and in the past I too have joined the fight to end it. Therefore, I would not want to say anything ill of this book. However, I think the cause and Miss Winz have more value than this book when it comes to inspiring others to get involved.
It isn't that the book isn't enjoyable per se. It's just that it's like reading the diary of a 16 year old because that is what it is. It's cute, it's sad. But it didn't grip me. Truthfully I didn't even finish it. It would be interesting to know what 16 year olds thought of it since I'm a middle aged woman and perhaps not the intended demographic. However, I did enjoy the facts about Trafficking given throughout the book.
This criticism isn't to be taken to heart Bethany Winz! I'm just one person with a big mouth. You continue to shine!
"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
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