Never in my life as a book made me cry the way this one did!
"90 Minutes in Heaven" is a Don Piper's true life story of him being killed by a truck and brought back to life 90 minutes later by prayer. It chronicles his continued struggle to live and recover from his shocking injuries. Mr. Piper also tells of how God used his struggles to encourage many people who are also going through enormous trials.
I loved this book!
At first I was a bit skeptical. Was this going to be some fantastical story trying to fill my head with whimsical images of the hereafter? Not even close. While Mr. Piper does his best to describe what he experienced and saw in Heaven, it really isn't given all that much press time. "90 Minutes in Heaven" is far more focused on God's sustaining power during the torturous months that followed and on the power of prayer.
A number of passages in this book struck me in a profound way.
It also touched my heart to hear of an 84 year old man willing to take Don to task for not letting others help him because it was stealing their chance to show love. Would I be willing to say what needs saying when the person is in mind-blowing pain if God told me to?
Thirdly, it was encouraging to see that Don struggled to share his sacred story about seeing Heaven for fear of what others would think. There have been many times when I've feared sharing a vision with others because I'm afraid of what they'd think of me. But, if God has given me a wonderful gift, why would I withhold it from the ones who need it?
I can't tell you how highly I recommend this book! I will warn you: I spent the day crying. They were tears of joy, tears of sorrow, tears from places I hadn't let myself admit were hurting. As crazy as it sounds, I'm worried about the movie version which comes out in Sept 2015 because how can a movie possibly to this story justice?
If you'd like to read this book (trust me you do) comment below to have your name entered into a draw, Aug 29th, 2015 for a free copy. Good Luck!
Wow, looks interesting.