Tuesday, July 7, 2015

"Your Sacred Yes" Book Review

I haven't been feeling well the past few days. Last week I went to an amusement park and ever since have been feeling like I just got off a cruise ship. Even reading has me spinning. Why am I telling you this? Because I think that anything negative I have to say about this book is more likely coming from a place of nausea than anywhere else.

Well, maybe.

"Your Sacred Yes" by Susie Larson, in a nutshell, is about making sure that when you take something on it's because you feel God is wanting you to and not because of any need to impress or fear or or or. Overcommitment is a common danger, especially in this culture. People look at you like you have two heads or like you're lazy if you decide to not help out with Sunday School. The message of this book was timely for me. I had to unexpectedly come home early from a much needed vacation. I was afraid to let anyone know I was home because I truly needed a break. It felt like a lie to let the world assume I was elsewhere. After reading a few pages of this book, I decided you know what, yes I'm home and it's still okay for me to tell the world to let me be for a few days or even weeks. If the world can continue to revolve while I'm out of town, it will still revolve if I don't answer my phone. I've even been semi successful at keeping it that way.

This book isn't written in lofty or eloquent English. Sometimes I started skimming. At the end of each chapter there are reflection questions which I didn't love. I don't like thinking about mistakes in my past that God has already forgiven. No point in dredging up what's already under the bridge. I just skipped over them. Having said all that, I believe this book is going to set someone free. If I had read this book a few years ago, I bet I would be sitting here crying but God has already done a miraculous job on me in this area. Praise the Lord!

You can not earn God's love. It's funny how we can know that we can't earn our salvation but then get caught up in thinking we can earn His love. So odd when you think about it.

I think my favorite chapter is the 'bonus' chapter where the author gives a 6 week life improvement plan. She teams up health lifestyles with spiritual ones. For example when she talks about drinking more water, she pairs it with taking in more of the Word. Very clever.

BTW, this book was given to me by Bethany Publishing Group for free in exchange for an honest review.

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