Alright I'll admit it, I sweat like a lumberjack in July. Gag. The best I can hope for is a deodorant that keeps the smell at bay because quite frankly, nothing is slowing down these underarms.
Hold the phone, what is this??? New Secret Outlast Clear Gel deodorant. I was sent a free stick because I'm a Bzzagent. (in other words, companies give me free samples because I have a big mouth.) I tried it and immediately hated it. It was all gooey and wet going on. No thank you. The smell was pleasant but the goo - ew. Not a fan.
Then, one hour, two hours, visiting with relatives, three hours... no sweat. No sweat? How can this be? it's a Christmas miracle. No, actually it's this gooey deodorant, which in truth, dries in a few seconds - I'm just textually sensitive. Now I can't make up my mind. Is it worth a few seconds of sticky for hours of dryness? I'm starting to think it is.
You're welcome for too much information. haha
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