Have you ever read a book that you had to keep putting down because it kept making you reevaluate your whole life? That was "Free of Me" by Sharon Hodde Miller for me. I happened to be reading it while travelling across the US in the backseat of my parents' car. Constantly I'd find myself torn between keeping my mouth shut about what I was reading because my inner thoughts were in such upheaval and having to read them snippet after snippet. For the record, the beginning of a vacation isn't the best time to start a book on dying to self. Nor is it the worst.
For some reason, when I step out of routine, all self control seems to fly out the window and the universe starts to rotate around me. No wonder tourists are annoying. By nature, while on vacation, life does become all about us and pleasure. But after awhile, if life continues that way, depression sets in.
Each chapter of "Free of Me" focuses on a different aspect of life that commonly becomes about us. Life, ministry, family. Doesn't everyone know how amazing I am? I fully believe this book will help anyone see each arena of life in a whole new light. It certainly did for me. And it wasn't like I was trying to be self-centered. But my need for continual affirmation says otherwise.
One warning about this book.
God is a gentle God, not a task-master. If you know you struggle with co-dependency issues, it might be wise to seek therapy before diving in. I say this only because it you already have a bend towards the lie that says you need to serve others with your dying breath, you might accidentally think this book is saying you don't matter in the grand scheme of things but that's hogwash.
I was very tempted to start up a short weekly bible study based on the chapters of this book. It's that profound.
Yes, this book holds some profound insists. The author isn't a wordsmith by any means but I don't need a poet, I need help getting over myself and this book did just that.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.