Monday, January 25, 2016

"The Midwife's Choice" Book Review

On the back cover of "The Midwife's Choice" by Delia Parr, near the bar code, is its genre classification - Historical Romance. However, unless the relationship between a mother and daughter can be called a romance, which I would say it cannot, this would be better classified as Historical Fiction. I suppose there was a bit of romance along the way but if you're looking to set your heart all a-flutter, this likely isn't the book for you.

That's not to say I didn't enjoy "The Midwife's Choice". It just wasn't what I was expecting. Instead of reading about swooning hearts, the story talks about abusive relationships, familial fractures, and the deep bond between sisters. The author used midwifery as a means to have the main character travel to certain houses which allowed the plot of advance in a believable way. It didn't detract from the plot. (Perhaps I'm bias though since I used midwives for the birth of my own children.)

The author did a nice job of steering clear of bogged-down setting descriptions and repetitive exposition which resulted in a book that was easy to read. I can't say I loved the main character. In fact, I found her a bit annoying. However, I suppose if an author can cause a cathartic response in their reader, for good or bad, they've don't their job. A sprinkling of Christianity throughout the book was also tastefully done meaning there were no page long sermons.

One last thing:
The parts of the book that dealt with a heavier topics were free of graphic detail but I would still issue a caution about giving this novel to your younger teen daughter.

"Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc."
(However my review of based on my honest opinion.)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

"Risen" Book Review

To you, my dear author, Angela Hunt, I would like to raise a glass!  You hit it out of the park on this one.  "Risen" was amazing. Your ability to intertwine fictional story telling with history is incredible. Can I just say, you are quickly becoming one of my favorite writers.

I loved everything about this book. The characters were people I couldn't help but root for and there was just the right amount of scenery detail given. Too little and you can't visualize it; too much and it quickly turns painful. Angela Hunt nailed it. The plot moved along at a great pace and never left you in the dark about who was whom.

I loved how the author pulled parts of Scripture into the discourse of the book. It was skillfully done and made me smile. Plus, the whole concept for "Risen" is genius. To think to write a story as though told by the tribune trying to find Jesus' body is brilliant. More than once I found myself pondering what it really would have been like for those involved - the soldiers at the tomb, the priests, those who saw Jesus.

What more can I say? Loved it, loved it, loved it.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc

"Beyond the Silence" Book Review

The perfect romance, in my not so humble opinion, is a novel with an interesting plot which happens to have romance in it. And since "Beyond the Silence" has that, I'd say it's a perfect romance. Nothing drives me battier than when the two main characters can't stand each other until they kiss and then everything is right as rain. Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse, I thank you for not torturing us with that specific form of drivel. Thank you for writing a book that highlights what true love looks like - putting the needs of another in front of yourself.

I also appreciated that the main female character was someone who did what she felt God was calling her to do without seeming spineless or too perfect. (Can you tell I'm always on the look out for books for my teen daughter to read?) It's nice to read a book where the main female is flawed and yet manages to keep putting one foot in front of the other. And it wasn't just the main female character who is loveable, or hate-able. All of the characters were well written.

I completely recommend "Beyond the Silence" to anyone interested in Christian Romance. It was easy to read. While, admittedly, the ending was obvious, it was enjoyable through and through.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.